Vern's Verbal Vibe

Singer-songwriter/multi-instrumentalist and purveyor of folk 'n' roll: spirit-filled sad songs made better.

October 13, 2006

Plus Special Guest Appearance!

This just in to our newsroom ... our group's beloved author-in-exile, Howard Whitehouse, is being parachuted in (and here, cue Ed McMahon voice) DIRECT FROM NEW YORK to read selections from The Strictest School in the World. So, your one remaining excuse for missing out on the evening ("Ah, I'd love to come, but Howard won't be there") is null and void. Come one, come all! That's this Monday, October 16, 6:30-8:00 p.m., Community Room (2nd floor), Parliament Library, 269 Gerrard Street East. We now return you to regularly scheduled programming.


Blogger Anu said...

Unless you arrange me a special flight, I won't be there, but good luck with the reading, and the book! Oh, and Happy Birthday, too. :)

3:50 pm  

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