Vern's Verbal Vibe

Singer-songwriter/multi-instrumentalist and purveyor of folk 'n' roll: spirit-filled sad songs made better.

September 20, 2006

And Now, a Word From Our Sponsor

The Parliament Writers' Group will hold its annual reading Monday, October 16, 6:30-8:00 p.m. I'll tantalize you with a teaser from my mystic/autistic travelogue while my friends regale you with poetry, mystery, memoir, kid lit, and much more. Refreshments provided. Location: Community Room (2nd floor), Parliament Library, 269 Gerrard Street East.

Come hear us read!


Blogger Jamie said...

I can't wait! The last one was great! I'll be there, probably with the gang in tow :)

4:14 pm  
Blogger Ralph Smith said...

sorry I can't be there... if the blog is any measure (aside from all else), just noticed I *still* guffaw when I read your "about me" description (re Libra; yep, happened again) :D

2:19 am  

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