Vern's Verbal Vibe

Singer-songwriter/multi-instrumentalist and purveyor of folk 'n' roll: spirit-filled sad songs made better.

June 30, 2012

Benvereens News

First of all, come join us on Thursday, July 26 at The Local, 396 Roncesvalles Av. in Toronto's west end. We'll preview material from our upcoming album and regale you with old favourites as well. Once again, the band will be joined by co-conspirator David MacKinnon on guitar, keyboards and percussion.

And what of that album? Eleven killer tunes, just mastered this week. We're now onto cover design, artwork, etc. I can't give away the title, but can confirm guest appearances by Lowest of the Low alums Ron Hawkins and Stephen Stanley, who lent their great voices to several tracks. We're aiming for a September release, so stay tuned!

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